Porting Support Vector Machine Models from R to Another Language – Part 2

This second part of “Porting Support Vector Machine Models…” explains the algorithm for prediction of new data by nonlinear support vector machines (SVM) and Gaussian radial basis kernel. Instead of using pseudo-code, the algorithm is low level implemented in R. This low level implementation is easy to translate to C/C++ or any other language. Remind… Continue reading Porting Support Vector Machine Models from R to Another Language – Part 2

Porting Support Vector Machine Models from R to Another Language – Part 1

R is well known for its machine learning capabilities. With the packages caret and kernlab e.g. you can perform multivariate regression with nonlinear support vector machines (SVM) using Gaussian radial basis kernel. After your model is trained you can predict new data using the S4 method predict(). Thereby, modelling and prediction is conducted on a… Continue reading Porting Support Vector Machine Models from R to Another Language – Part 1

Make AWK Scripts Executable on Microsoft Windows Systems

You love working with the good old awk language for pattern scanning and text processing? Usually it’s sufficient to use awk fast and easy with one-line programs directly on command line. But sometimes it may be needful to write more extensive programs in script files e.g. for algorithm prototyping or more complex text processing applications.… Continue reading Make AWK Scripts Executable on Microsoft Windows Systems

Write and Interpret Markdown Documents from Notepad++

Many windows users like Notepad++ as a light weight and fast text editor with some nice features and support for several programming languages. I use it almost daily to edit and view ascii files, write code, readme files or short notes. Why not in the course of this, format notes with simple markdown syntax and… Continue reading Write and Interpret Markdown Documents from Notepad++